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Learn the symptoms of COVID-19

If we experience any symptoms, we avoid contact with the public and get tested as soon as possible. Also, if any of our technicians are in a high risk group then we believe it’s better for them not to work. Staff who show symptoms are advised to stay at home for at least 14 days.

Keep your premises clean

Provide sanitizer for staff. Make sure visitors and staff wash hands before entering and exiting. Do regular deep cleaning. Frequently wash items like hand towels, cups and dishes. Be careful when touching items which may have passed through many hands. This includes things like money and paperwork. Also educate your staff about COVID-19 and pest control safety precautions.

covid-19 pest control safetyMinimize any contact with people on site

Ideally you should have contact with as few people as possible. Stay away from those who are quarantined or in self-isolation. Before surveying a potential clients premises try to ascertain if anyone has shown coronavirus symptoms.

Use alternatives

Consider alternatives like off-site advice and pest awareness training. This can be done over the phone or through video conferencing.

hand washing precautions Be as helpful as possible

All businesses have a reputation to maintain. This is true whether you’re a three or five star establishment. The presence of pests can lead to bad publicity, angry customers and cancellations. We try to be as supportive as possible to businesses at this time. We understand that coronavirus has taken a massive toll on the business sector both financially and emotionally. Be aware of COVID-19 secure pest control practices and advise your clients where appropriate. Health and safety should also be of major concern when it comes to commercial pest control.

Cancel unnecessary travel

Avoid meetings or business trips. These can be done over video conferencing. If employees can work remotely or from home then it is best to let them do so.

Use a risk assessment template

Download a risk assessment template like this one from the BPCA.

The BPCA site will also provide you with other pest control safety precautions.

Ultimately you will have to weigh up the pros and cons and decide what is best for your business. At the end of the day these pest control safety precautions will help to reassure your clients. Remember, they need to be able to trust that you are going to keep them safe. Otherwise it may result in a loss of business.