It’s practically unheard of for a homeowner to never have to deal with annoying pests. You need to learn the best techniques for controlling pests in order to rid your home of them. Armed with proper knowledge you can protect your family from pest invasion.
Use steel wool to fill mouse holes. Although rodents can gnaw through a lot of different materials, they are not strong enough to chew the metal strands from steel wool. Stuff any holes larger than 1/2 inch. This sort of critter is able to get through very small holes.
One effective approach to control your pest problem is to vacuum every rug in the house. Vacuuming picks up ants, bugs, cockroaches and other insects that are living inside your home. When you are finished, dispose of the bag.
Use a spray for outdoor perimeters to make insects avoid entering your house. Apply this spray on the foundation, the porch, steps and on doors and windows as well. When spraying, look for small cracks where pests can come in. You should then seal off these places with caulk or whatever filler you prefer.
Have you recently gotten rid of a bedbug infestation? If so, then do not assume your problem is gone. Bed bugs do not have to eat for a whole year. This is the reason it is important to close off all holes in your home’s walls and floors. They cannot hide there then.
It can be hard to rid your home of bedbugs, since they can hide in many different places. Close up open holes you may find prior to extermination. This way, bugs have no place to hide.
Do you have ants in your home? Combat it with a mixture of borax and sugar. The sugar will attract the pest, but the borax is going to kill bugs and small rodents. To make it, simply get a quart jar and put in one cup of borax with a cup of sugar. Sprinkle this mixture along the baseboards of your home, as well as the foundation.
If you’ve got crevices and cracks in your house, seal them off right way. These are just the places that pests love to find as they are looking for ways to get inside. By sealing up openings, you can prevent pests from having the ability to come in.

Mint Leaves
Mint can help in your battle against mice. Go around the whole foundation of your house and plant mint. Mice do not like mint and will avoid your home. If mice are already a problem, think about placing mint leaves where you’re finding them. While this will usually do, make sure the mint leaves are fresh.
Make sure you rinse out any containers you are recycling. Specifically watch out for soda cans, as the sugars in sodas attract many different pests. The soda needs to be rinsed clean before anything is put inside the garage.
Electronic pest repellents often work well. They are plugged into outlets and emit sounds that repel vermin. Humans and pets are able to hear the sound, but it is in no way harmful. Rodents do not like the noise and will not stay in the same area.
Have you seen rodents in your home? You need to inspect your home from the outside and look for small cracks animals might squeeze through. Fill cracks with clean scouring pads and/or place a small amount of rat poison in there. You can also use mustard oil, whose scent can repel rodents.
Use hairspray to kill indoor flies. You can use hairspray safely around yourself and your pets; however, it is harmful to flying insects. Hairspray makes them incapable of getting food and water by sticking to their bodies. If a bee enters your home, this method is one of the safest you can try.
As mentioned before, most people must confront the topic of pest control during their lifetimes. To make sure you don’t have pests, apply the tips in this article to your life. Do not wait until tomorrow, act now!